Thursday 27 August 2009

Computer mania

So matthew decided to move the comp downstairs again, so he could at least sit with me whilst working. and he huffed and puffed as he hauled it down, and plugged it in, plugged the net in..and no net...oppps, the phone thing was shagged, wouldnt work! so we had to go fork more cash out to buy a wireless card for it, all because he didnt want to carry it back up! took up a lot of stress especially as jakey boy was in one of his ever annoying moods today. he is so difficult. its just a phase.

Feeling a little down latley like im stuck in a circle of bottles, bums, fedding, shouting at jake, cleaning etc etc, i love been a mummy wouldnt change it for the whole world and its dog, but everyone needs a break. i even have to bath and shave my legs with jake sat in the bath!!! love him!
need some me time! my driving lessons are my escape really 2 hours away doing something as simple as driving but something that wil change everything in a good way. cant wait to pass, i allready love it, i wont have to worry bout buses and rain and jake refusing to walk and just sitting on the floor and crying!

my fitness going well, i have lost 2 pounds this week, cut out beer and shit food, and also 30 mins running and squats and lunges etc every night, i can zip my size 10 jeans up once more! i want to shift a bit more, and i want to be fit too. 2 kids to run around after is hard. I have a humongus pile of ironing to do, again! but I just aint doing it tonight!

jake not off to his grans this weekend, they away, and my mum busy. and matthew usually goes to see his yummy lil man on a saturday so i may take kiddies somewhere!
sat watching katie price, god i hate that woman! i hate bad manners and slags and people generally like her! im a foul mouthed sod at times but only in anger, I hate people like that!!!1 grrrrrr, pete is just so yummy! and such a good daddy!!!!

Rian xXx

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